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The Girl Guides theme for April is Get Active. This month girls will be encouraged to move in many different ways. Girls will learn about why it is important to be active and complete fun challenges to get moving.

Girl Guides empowers every girl in Guiding to discover herself and be everything she wants to be. In Guiding, girls from 5-17 meet with girls their own age in a safe, inclusive space to explore what matters to them. With programming options ranging from innovative STEM activities to outdoor adventures and discussions on mental health and healthy relationships, girls in Guiding can customize their experience to dive into the topics relevant to them. GGC is where girls take the lead, put their ideas into action and jump into awesome activities – all with the support of engaged Guiders who are committed to positively impacting their lives. Guiding is all about supporting girls as they take on challenges and grab hold of every opportunity that comes their way.

Over the course of the month, girls, units and adult members will be challenged to track their kilometres, complete fun challenges, and learn why it’s important to be physically active and have fun! We will be working towards a goal of 28,500 kilometres collected by girl and adult members of the Girl Guides. We chose this number because there are 28,500 members of the Girl Guides in Ontario and Nunavut. Throughout the month participants will receive weekly challenges to help the Get Active, and be healthy. 

Girl Guides Thermometer

Last updated: May 1

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fast and Female?

Fast and Female is a Canadian charity on a mission to keep self-identified girls aged 8-14 healthy and active in sports. Founded in 2005, Fast and Female believes in the power of positive sport experiences and role models to give girls leadership, teamwork and resiliency skills.

Who can participate in the Great Cookie Trek?

The Great Cookie Trek is open to all Girl Guides members, in Ontario and Nunavut. For registration, please contact you unit, guider or the Ontario Council. Registration is closed on April 9th, 2023.

Where can I track my kilometres?

Click the “Track your kilometres” button above and fill out the form to submit your kilometres. See progress above with the Kilometer Super Girl.

What is the Active Bib in the digital kit?

Just like an organized run, we wanted everyone to be able to wear a bib while tracking their kilometres for this month.

To use the bib:

  • Print out the bib (offered in black and white, and colour options and available in English and French)
  • On the line, write your favourite number and fill in the blanks
  • Put safety pins in the corners of the page and then attach it to your shirt
  • Take a photo of you wearing your bib and send it to [email protected] or tag @FastandFemale on social media!

What is the newsletter? Who will receive it?

We will send an email newsletter weekly to update you on the progress. The newsletter will be sent to the person who registered. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder.

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If you still have questions please email [email protected]