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REAL Role Models

We have paused applications for our REAL Role Model program for the time being. The reason for this is with our rapid growth, we are taking the time to reevaluate our current program. To further our mandate that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see‘ we need to first understand the current demographics of our REAL Role Model network and we are doing this through surveying our current role models.

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REAL (Relatable, Empowered, Active Leaders) Role Models

Fast and Female REAL Role Models are community leaders who

  1. See the value of staying active and prioritizing health.
  2. Want to inspire self-identified girls in their community to do the same by introducing them to new sports and activities.

Our REAL Role Model network volunteers thousands of hours annually, to assist in hosting our local and virtual events and programming. Ranging from professional athletes, psychologists, Paralympians and Olympians, coaches, to undergraduate students; these inspiring women provide opportunities for powerful connections with self-identified girls in their communities. 

In addition to empowering girls, our REAL Role Models also empower each other! We strive to provide a platform to build a supportive network of peers, professional connections, and make lasting high-powered friendships.

Photo Credit Simon Lee
Photo Credit Jon Huyer
Photo Credit Camil Dubuc

Role Model Stories

“Strong women support others. Thanks to Fast and Female, I’ve been supported by an entire community of women. I started as an Ambassador of the program in 2013, in the hopes of inspiring and encouraging young women in sport and physical wellbeing. Little did I realize how profound an influence the program itself would have on me; over these last seven years, I’ve met resilient leaders, kind hearts, and giving spirits. With every Champ Chat, I’ve been encouraged. Fast and Female is founded in the fundamentally positive aspects of sport, but it’s given me the opportunity to see a passion of mine outside of athletics: education. With Fast and Female as a referee, I confidently applied to Wilfred Laurier’s Education program, and was accepted to its intermediate program: I’ll be teaching environmental science and physics, and plan to coach Track & Field/Cross-Country programs. I am a proud to be a life-long Ambassador of Fast and Female.”  – Jenna Westaway, Athletics

“I greatly enjoyed the event and the opportunity to be a role model as a women student-athlete myself to encourage young girls to enjoy being active and have big goals in sport. In the future I want to help with more events like this and get more involved. This event also inspired me to reach out to my coach and other people I know in the running world about creating more events that target women’s health in sport and raise awareness around these topics that aren’t shared enough in an effort to keep girls in sport and healthy mentally and physically.” -Caitlin, BC RRM

“I enjoyed taking part as a role model along with some of the other girls who were there from the women in coaching project. I felt that we were able to take everything that we learned from our week and really apply it during the power hour. I also one meeting a bunch of young athletes who loved the sport and wanted to learn more about ways they can help themselves when they face challenges and strong feelings.” -Ontario RRM


Help us have an impact on women and girls across the country! Our REAL Role Models are a big part of what we do and they deserve the best. Email [email protected] to learn about sponsorship opportunities for the REAL Role Model Program.