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Alpine Ontario Alpin – Power Hour Recap!

March 2nd marked our first event of 2023! The Fast and Female team was so excited to head up to Collingwood, Ontario to deliver an empowering 90 minute Power Hour workshop to the Alpine Ontario Alpin. Here’s a recap of the morning’s highlights:

Kicking Off The Day
We kicked off our Power Hour by leading the group of ~30 participants through multiple rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Championships! Role Models and participants went head to head, battling one another and cheering each other on, until there was just one champion amongst the group and a room filled with cheers. We then kicked off our Power Hour workshop curriculum: The Power of Positive Thinking.

What is the Power of Positive Thinking Curriculum?

Developed by Dr. Tasha Belix as part of our 2018 Jumpstart Champ Chats, the Power of Positive Thinking curriculum is all about tackling that negative mindset (or “stink’n’thinkin”) that often weighs us down. That negative mindset, ‘inner gossip‘, and/or ‘stink’n’thinkin‘ can greatly impact our bodies, performance (on and off the field of play), and our choices; so, how do we flip the switch? During this workshop, we take participants through activities to tackle that negative mindset and flip the switch. We ask them to consider: “would you say that to your best friend?” or “what would your response be if your best friend thought/felt that way?”.

Our participants have an opportunity to do some solo-work, reflecting and writing down their thoughts on a Fast and Female worksheet, followed by some sharing amongst themselves in pairs, a small group, and then to the larger group! We then asked participants to do two things:

  1.  Write down a positive affirmation, saying, and/or memory on the back of a Fast and Female ‘Girl You Got This’ postcard as a reminder for them to flip the switch on moments where that ‘stink’n’thinkin’ may begin to creep in and

  2.  Share their top affirmation and/or saying by putting it on a sticky note and putting it on our ‘Wall of Motivation’.

One of our final group activities for the day was reaching each affirmation on our Wall of Motivation out loud and having the entire group repeat it! Great affirmations like, “You Got This”, “I’m Amazing”, and “I Am Strong” were said together, loud and proud as a unit. It was an incredible moment – especially reading our final sticky note, “Slay Queen“.

REAL Role Model Panel and Group Photo

We ended the day by hearing from our incredible REAL Role Models: Evi, Ivey, Kim, Steph, and Victoria! We got to hear about how they get out of the ‘stink’n’thinkin’ as athletes, coaches, and on a day-to-day basis. They also shared some of their favorite pre-ski snacks! Then the group got together for a final group photo and we said goodbye to all our participants.

Thank you so much to Alpine Ontario Alpin for having us! We can’t wait until next time

Check out photos from the day by visiting our Facebook page. Photography by Kimberly Vincent Photography.

If you’re interested in hosting a Fast and Female Power Hour or other program opportunity in your community or for your team, please contact us by filling out this form or e-mailing us at [email protected].