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Faith Jones (she/her)

Co-Secretary, REAL Role Model Rep

Faith has worked in the nonprofit sector for over a decade including jobs in communications and outreach. She is also a Holistic Wellness Practitioner with trauma-informed and inclusive services in personal training, yoga and thai massage. She believes in wellness for everybody. Her drive and passion lies in educating underserved youth through movement and mindfulness based-practices supporting their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. She has done extensive volunteer work in her community and abroad including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for the MS Society of Canada, running many races including a half-marathon to support Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario and building houses in the GTA and Costa Rica for Habitat For Humanity.


Faith graduated from George Brown College with a Fitness and Health Management Diploma and studied Entrepreneurship at the University of Toronto. She also holds a Nonprofit and Voluntary Management Certificate from Ryerson University. As a young girl she was on the Canadian National Gymnastics Team and played many other sports including tennis, volleyball and track and field.