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Madison Danford (She/Her)

Programs Manager

I am the Program Manager, Development and Delivery here at F&F and I’m responsible for supporting the development and delivery of new and existing Fast and Female programs and events. When I’m not working with F&F, I am a PhD Candidate at Queen’s University, where I critically research sport and physical culture, in an effort to make these spaces more accessible and safe for everyone! My research passions align with Fast and Female’s mission and I’m happy to help bring my research into practice!

Your favourite sport/ physical activity

Growing up I played any sport I could, with a focus on hockey and tap dancing.

Now, as an adult, I love to move my body in many different ways, such as hiking, distance running, weight training and walks with my puppy! I also like to golf in the summer and curl in the winter. I’ll never turn down the opportunity to dance, play 21 basketball or play any classic camp/school yard game (jump rope, 4-square, tag, hide and seek, etc.).


Your favourite post-workout snack

Chocolate milk and a banana followed by pizza ❤️


Your favourite pump-up song

I Lived – OneRepublic (This song is always the last song I play at the end of a run!)


Advice for your 12-year-old self

Wear the bathing suit without the t-shirt over top. Don’t be scared that you’re too ‘big’; take up all the space you need and quit trying to be small. Ask questions. Stand up for yourself and others around you. Be loud, even when you’re told to be quiet. Your passion will pay off one day, so keep working hard. 


How did you first get involved with Fast and Female? Tell your story!

In 2018, Gaby, our fearless Program Director, reached out to me and asked if I wanted to be an event coordinator for a Fast and Female Power Hour. Fast forward to 2022, Gaby reached back out to me and asked if I wanted to join the team as a Program Coordinator!